We have officially begun! The inception workshop for the largest ever grant funded national project under the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) entitled “Energy Efficiency through the Development of Low-carbon RAC Technologies in Trinidad and Tobago” was successfully held virtually on Wednesday November 18, 2020. Mrs. Joanne Deoraj Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Planning and Development delivered the welcome remarks on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Ms. Randi Davis Resident Representative United
Nations Development Programme Trinidad and Tobago, Aruba, CuraƧao and Sint
Maarten also brought greetings.
The overall goal of this US$5.152
Mn four year project is to
create a sustained market change towards the adoption of low-carbon Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
technologies in Trinidad and Tobago, which will deliver multiple benefits at
the local, regional and global levels. It will also assist this country in
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in particular those related to
climate change, and ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and
modern energy. Additionally, it will aid
this country in keeping its international commitments under the Montreal
Protocol and United Nations Framework Convention to Combat Climate Change
(UNFCCC). This will be achieved through the integration of energy efficient Refrigeration and Air Conditioning technologies
that would reduce the use of high Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Ozone
Depleting Substance (ODS) refrigerants.
The National priorities under this
project are to:
Promote a resilient whole-of-government approach to disaster risk
management and strengthen capacities to reduce risk and build community
resilience to disasters especially within vulnerable groups;
Promote energy efficiency and the efficient use of resources for
increasing energy security through alternative energy technologies, renewable
energy and encouraging private sector investment in areas such as low carbon
technologies; and
Develop climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies to safeguard
those most affected.
The project has been organized into the following components:
Strengthening the national policy, regulatory and
institutional frameworks for Energy Efficiency (EE) gains for RAC
Enhancing the investment path along the RAC market
Implementation of an investment portfolio on
replacement of energy intensive technologies; and
Development of an information strategy to share
knowledge gained, lessons learned and best practices developed.
The project, led by the
National Ozone Unit - Environmental Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of
Planning and Development, will utilize a public-private partnership approach
engaging a diverse group of stakeholders, including but not limited to,
Government Ministries, Public Agencies, Academia and Civil Society
Organisations (CSOs). The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that will
be a fundamental partner for the overall implementation.
It is expected that the project will provide
global environmental benefits in terms of direct emission carbon dioxide
equivalent (tO2eq) savings of at least 644,396 tCO2eq over the 4 year