Sunday 30 June 2024

Caribbean Regional Ozone Officers Meetings

The United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNEP ROLAC) along with the Government of Panama hosted the following Meetings during the period June 20-28, 2024 in Panama:

  • Pilot Training for Advanced National Ozone Officers (20–23 June 2024)
  • Caribbean Thematic Network Meeting of National Ozone Officers (24–26 June 2024)
  • Twinning Workshop for Montreal Protocol Officers and Energy-Efficiency Policy Makers (27–28 June 2024)

The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was represented at the Meetings by the following delegation:

 Pilot Training for Advanced National Ozone Officers 

Dr. Marissa Gowrie - Deputy Environmental Manager/National Ozone Officer

Ministry of Planning and Development

·    Caribbean Thematic Network Meeting of National Ozone Officers (24–26 June 2024) - 

     Ministry of Planning and Development

Dr. David Persaud - Environmental Manager

Dr. Marissa Gowrie - Deputy Environmental Manager/National Ozone Officer

Mr. Jonathan Bolai - Ozone Specialist

·   Twinning Workshop for Montreal Protocol Officers and Energy-Efficiency Policy Makers (27–28 June 2024)

Mr. Jonathan Bolai - Ozone Specialist

Ministry of the Planning and Development

Mr. Craig Boodoo - Director Renewable Energy

Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries

The Pilot Training, aimed to strengthen the capacity of National Advanced Montreal Protocol Officers (National Ozone Officers) to effectively adjust their national Montreal Protocol compliance programmes to respond to the Kigali Amendment and incorporate energy-efficiency considerations into the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector.


The Thematic Network Meeting focused on general issues and updates as well as sought to:

1. Assist the 14 Governments to maintain their 35% HCFC reduction target and prepare them to achieve future HCFC reduction targets as per the Montreal Protocol phase-out schedule.

2. Facilitate Caribbean Network Countries to share experiences/good practices and discuss recent developments under the Montreal Protocol including the Kigali Amendment (KA), promote the ratification of the Kigali Amendment and enhance their capacity to comply with the Montreal and KA obligations


Trinidad and Tobago was represented by Dr. Marissa Gowrie, who shared the country's experiences in developing a national quota and licensing system for HFCs. The presentation provided an overview of key national border control agencies, the policy instruments utilized by the Government for border control measures, as well as  strategies and challenges faced in developing the Kigali Implementation Plan. The meeting provided an interactive forum for National Ozone Officers and National Ozone Assistants to exchange experiences, develop skills, share knowledge/ideas with their counterparts from across the region, and Implementing Agencies and build their capacities to enable existing and future requirements under major project headings. The meeting generated concrete actions to be implemented based on the discussions and information exchanged.


The Twinning Workshop sought to enhance the climate benefits from the Montreal Protocol's refrigerant transition by maximizing a simultaneous improvement in the energy efficiency of the RAC sector through enhanced policy and programmatic coordination both nationally and regionally. The workshop provided the opportunity to strengthen the capacity of Montreal Protocol Officers to adapt and adjust their national programs in response to the Kigali Amendment and incorporate energy efficiency considerations into the RAC sector. Furthermore, the workshop utilized the well-established infrastructure of the regional network meetings to further engage one (mandatory) national energy efficiency policymakers (NEEP) and one optionally focal point for a relevant financial mechanism (FPFM) that can be funded from national funds, per country to participate in the workshop. This promoted the approach of "twinning" with national officers from the same country to prioritize energy efficiency in Montreal Protocol activities, including Kigali HFC Implementation strategies. Mr. Jonathan Bolai presented on Trinidad and Tobago's experiences in promoting energy efficiency. He highlighted successful strategies employed for the HFC phase-down and key success factors during the implementation of the Global Environmental Facility project entitled: Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector through the Application of Low-Carbon Technologies.

The Meeting also included a component where long standing Ozone Officers were presented with an award and recognized for their contribution. Dr. Marissa Gowrie, National Ozone Officer was recognized for her 21 years of service to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

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