OzoNews is a fortnightly news update on the implementation of the Montreal Protocol produced by OzonAction.
In this issue: 1. ASHRAE & UNEP-OzonAction launch new joint workplan promoting management of refrigerants in developing economies 2. Dumping of obsolete air conditioners undermines development and climate goals 3. Uncovering the Ozone Hole - Podcast 4. Gov't to get tough on HFC refrigerant violations (Japan) 5. Flammable Refrigerants Safety Guide - AIRAH 6. The Supreme Council for the Environment signs the institutional support agreement with the United Nations Environment Program (Bahrain) 7. Clean cooling technology in Jordan is a first for the Middle East 8. European Commission issued standardization request for a new European standardization deliverable in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment 9. New Refcom guidance sets out post-Brexit implications for F-Gas 10. How to avoid counterfeit, illegal refrigerants